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April 3rd-5th, 2015

Asalaamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu!


Welcome to UIUC MSA's 20th Annual Spring Camp website! This year's theme is The Ripple Effect: Inspiring Society Through Self-Improvement. Allah (SWT) says in the Qur'an, "By the declining day, man is in deep loss, except for those who believe, do good deeds, urge one another to the truth, and urge one another to steadfastness." (Surah Al-Asr) As we strive to improve the internal aspects, we inevitably see the positive effects on our surroundings. Thus, a ripple effect is created, which impacts not only us, but our friends and family, and ultimately our community. This year, we hope to present lecture topics that highlight the relationship between the internal and external aspects of a believer's journey, insha'Allah.


Please refer back to our website for more information and updates as we get closer to the conference. On this website, you'll find links to Register, information on Venues, our Program, a list of guest Speakers and Entertainers, and information on the Brothers' Basketball Tournament. 


We look forward to seeing you there insha'Allah!


Bilal Khan, Eqra Sattar & Shazia Siddiqi

Spring Camp 2015 Heads

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